IMG_1342_optTransforming Anxiety

In the modern world for so many of us anxiety has become almost an accepted part of our lives, something that is just another part of the every day pressures of living in our times.  For others it’s paralysing, restricting us from being able to participate with the world in a healthy way.  A common story is for people to talk about their anxiety as something they want to get rid of.  Is it possible to form a relationship with it? Is it possible to understand what its trying to tell us?  The body is constantly communicating with us, always giving us signs and directing us towards what is needed for it to be in harmony with itself.  For so many of us the language of the body is foreign, and the way it communicates can often be seen as a hindrance, something that is getting in the way of us being at our optimal level of efficiency.

Learning how our bodies communicate with us can begin to alleviate many of the intense emotions that are becoming epidemic in our society. To begin to listen to what our emotions are telling us and being open to listening to what they have to say can be a great start to easing some of these intense emotions. It’s important to understand the language of emotion and the ways it relates to and communicates with us. To sit with our emotions and allow them to be felt in the purest sense without having to analyze them straight away can be hugely beneficial, while analysing too quickly we can sometimes miss the depth of what is required to bring the body back into harmony, and miss an opportunity to release the pressure of the intensity of the emotion to a more manageable level.