

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.” 
― C.G. Jung

I would not be as bold to say that depression is a gift but there is indeed treasure to be found within its domain. It can cripple us without warning, take us to a place where the flames of faith and hope dim, convinced they have extinguished forever

However there is power to be found in this place, it is here that a person can discover an inner strength that only becomes apparent when all has faded into darkness, where pain and regret take their seat at the head of the table

To travel through the realms of hopelessness is to know despair, to know what the word LOST truly means, when the great inner light of hope abandons us and all that remains feels worthless

This is and has always been the place where alchemy is formed, where a new flame is forged, for there are certain types of terrain that only a handcrafted flame can illuminate. We are called to turn inwards, to quieten the external influences and tend to our fire.

This is the gift of depression, you have no choice but to confront this place, to engage in the extraordinary feet of becoming a light unto one’s self, if u don’t, you stay lost falling through the realms of despair, all who battle with depression know this intimately

However, this is and has always been the realm of the catalyst, the place we learn to light the spark.

It is here alchemy is performed

To light a flame, friction is required, without friction there can be no spark, friction by its very nature is uncomfortable, the unease is the catalyst, the catalyst is the spark

For aeons we have mapped these terrains, we know them well, for this is the journey of all those who choose to explore the inner worlds will face at some point, but that’s the thing, some get to choose, those of us who suffer from depression there is no choice. We will come to this place whether we choose it or not, this spot where the light goes out, where we feel what it’s like to be alone without guide or god

Those of us with depression, this journey is thrust upon us, it has been chosen for us, we are called forth into the darkness, to our knees.

There, in the dark, an ally awaits, compassion. Compassion is not just a word, it is an attempt at describing an internal relationship, a companion if you will. It helps us forge ways of being that are first and foremost, but not limited too, the healing to the self. Kindness, gentleness and forgiveness are its tools

It can open us up to a path less traveled, one that is hard to see without a handcrafted flame, without it so often leads us towards that worn out road that sees ourselves and others as only the disguises and masks we wear, this shields ourselves from the pain. This is and has always been the intensity of being.

Forming this relationship is nothing short of alchemy

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Emotional Intellect