
Grief travels through the heart, lungs, mind and body.  It’s journey through the soul is one that most would prefer was brief, but, just like all of the emotions of healing they move by their own rhythms, their own rules, all we can do is watch and care for them as best as we can. 

Grief is meticulous in its work, it cannot move on till it’s job is complete, till the pain it is processing has been integrated in the persons character. 

The observation of the subtle is required within this relationship with grief.  If you’re not careful grief can seem invisible, you may think its not there at all, until, you look around and notice the trail of chaos it has left at your doorstep. It can make you tired, sick, angry, cautious, anxious, depressed, frustrated, disinterested in life, you can begin to isolate yourself from the world for what seems at the time, for good and justifiable reasons.  

If you are not in relationship with this grief, it will come wearing a mask of other emotions.  Dancing you into distraction.

Pain, sadness and longing are its allies These emotions are best sat with in their original expressions, although this is extremely difficult to do, like sitting with an unwelcome visitor.

When we repress grief or abandon it for these secondary/symptomatic emotions, we deny ourselves the original expression of one of the most sacred emotions.  Grief appears in our darkest moments not to cause pain but to help the transformation of the pain that already exists.  Grief our ally, unconsciously summoned to our side when it is needed the most.