Working with emotional intelligence

IMG_0328Our mind and our emotions work hand in hand, but often the mind’s interpretation of our emotional truth can be off centre because of its need to create a reason for why things are happening. This can distort what is going on for the emotional body, emotions can benefit greatly from allowing them to be felt without trying too hard to analyse them, to sit with them, allow the emotion to just be without the need to move into trying to make sense of it.  Within sessions its common to see a person begin to sit in their emotional body and the emotion and then very quickly begin to talk about why they think that emotion is there and what the reason for it accruing in them is.  This can move the person away from the strength of the emotion and back into analysing the feeling (entering the head not the body), for a lot of us this is a safer place to sit because sitting in the emotion and not trying to work it out can be at first an uncomfortable experience, it takes time to retrain ourselves to not go back into the mind and begin to just sit in the rawness of the feeling, allowing it to transform.